DecryptNaBox Workstations (v 2.8.2)

Discover Efficient Email Decryption for Windows Workstations

Meet the solution for S/MIME, PGP, and RMS decryption

DataDecrypt for Windows Workstations is a decryption tool that efficiently decrypts and/or encrypts email messages,

Protected by Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), or Windows Rights Management Services (RMS)

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The platform consists of multiple components and tools which can be customized and administered through Zeva’s management suite. The technology platform can also integrate with existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for secure, automated operations.

Decrypts common message formats

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Rich Text Format (RTF)
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
Multipart/mixed EMLS
Transport Neutral Encapsulated Format (TNEF)

Supports multiple message sources

Personal Storage Table (PST)
ZIP files that contain PSTs
Messages (MSG)
Email (EML) files, as well as any nested subfolders
Messages housed within Veritas Enterprise Vault

Compatible with common operating systems & servers

32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows Operating system, including Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10
Windows Server 2008, 2012, and 2016
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and Exchange Online

DataDecrypt for Windows Workstation Licensing Models

Take advantage of our customizable and diverse licensing models.

DataDecrypt Lite for eDiscovery
DataDecrypt Professional
DataDecrypt for Migration

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DataDecrypt Lite for
eDiscovery (SecTool)

DataDecrypt Lite for eDiscovery is a workstation edition that is licensed on an annual subscription basis and requires activation at the workstation level. Once activated, users have unlimited use of the product from the specified workstation.

Interested parties can download a free trial version that supports the decryption of up to 20 messages within a 7-day period.

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DataDecrypt Professional uses the same user interface as DataDecrypt Lite but is licensed based on a specified email domain. The license file provided does not require activation and can be installed without restrictions. However, the system will only decrypt emails encrypted with certificates that belong to the included domain.
Zeva offers options for both annual subscriptions and perpetual licenses for DataDecrypt Professional. Both licensing modules are tier-based. To inquire about DataDecrypt Professional or request a quote, please contact Zeva Inc. with the domain(s) to be licensed as well as the total number of email users within the domain(s).

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for Migration

DataDecrypt for Migration is a special release of DataDecrypt Professional that is available for organizations undergoing PKI migration projects or Merger & Acquisition activities. The license file in this edition is the same as DataDecrypt Professional which includes email domains, but pricing is based on the number of mailboxes being migrated.
To inquire about DataDecrypt for Migration or request a quote, please contact Zeva with the domains to be licensed and the total number of mailboxes being migrated.

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Zeva Partnerships

Zeva, Inc. has built strong relationships with other leading technology companies to push the limits of IT, together.

At Zeva, Inc., we believe that collaboration breeds innovation. No single entity can tackle all of the challenges we face alone. When industry experts come together to face those challenges, the resulting solutions are greater than the sum of their parts. To that end, we’ve formed long-term partnerships with the following technology leaders to help engineer the solutions of tomorrow.

Not sure what your needs are...
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Our team of experts will schedule a call with you and your team, to help in assessing your needs and customize a solution tailored your encryption and identity challenges.

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Zeva Customers

For the past two decades, Zeva has been serving customers from the Federal, Commercial and Non-Profit markets around the globe. These are some of our many long-term partnerships and referenceable accounts that trust our solutions.

Free Products from Zeva

Discover all the clever ways Zeva Inc.’s free products can help you securely and efficiently automate mundane security tasks. Explore our catalog of free tools below to find a good fit for your organization. Then, contact us to request a free download of each solution you’d like.



Every object in Active Directory has a security identifier (SID). When an object is deleted, however, the SID remains. SIDCleaner removes that remaining SID.



This product syncs group policies, permissions, WMI filters, administrative templates, and organizational units from one environment to another.

AD Permissions

AD Permissions

AD Permissions exports and imports the access control lists of objects and the OU structure of AD.

Service Account Manager

Service Account Manager

Minimize the challenge of changing passwords for service accounts.